Hair Transplant

Hair loss can be devastating, no matter your age or gender. A hair transplant in Tampa, FL, can provide you with a healthy hairline and thicker hair.

SynergyMD uses the advanced follicular unit extraction (FUE) technique for a more comfortable surgery and better results.

Follicular Unit Extraction:
An Introduction

At SynergyMD, Dr. Milan Lombardi can perform follicular unit extraction, a technique that's gentler and more effective than other hair transplantation methods.

FUE extracts individual hair follicles from donor areas that have hair to spare and moves them to sparse or balding areas. Since each follicle is individually extracted, this allows for precise placement and a more natural result. After several months, the transplanted follicles grow hair to match the rest of your head.

The same technique can be used in a beard transplant for fuller facial hair. 

“Our doctors believe by looking your best, you can feel your best. Dr. Brown, Dr. Lombardi, and our team are dedicated to providing the highest level of care possible and treating each patient as an individual.”

New hairline being marked before FUE procedure

Candidates for Hair Transplantation

Before you can receive a hair transplant at our Tampa office, you must meet with our hair transplant specialist. Dr. Lombardi will check several factors to determine if FUE is the best option for you, such as your:


Though it depends on the individual, most patients must wait until they are at least 25 before it makes sense for them to undergo hair transplant surgery in Tampa. This is so your hair loss can stabilize and we can get a better idea of the pattern. We want to avoid repeat procedures.

Hair Loss

Dr. Lombardi will examine your scalp to determine the degree of your hair loss and the health of the hair follicles at your donor site. No matter if you have sparse areas, bald spots, or advanced hair loss, FUE can restore significant amounts of hair as long as you have plenty of healthy hair available elsewhere.


Some of our Tampa patients are happy with a moderate improvement, while others prefer a dramatic transformation. Dr. Lombardi will inquire about your goals and determine if they're realistic and how we can best achieve them.


FUE is a kind of hair restoration surgery, and any surgery requires a patient to be in good overall health. Conditions like keloids on the scalp, hypertension, and uncontrolled diabetes can make a transplant unsafe. We also recommend not smoking in the months leading up to and the months following your surgery.

Your Hair Transplant Surgery A Look at the Process

A typical FUE treatment session can last about four hours.
A typical FUE treatment session can last about four hours.


Our Tampa team will administer anesthesia to keep you comfortable throughout your procedure.


Dr. Lombardi will carefully extract hair follicles from the donor site one at a time.


Your hair restoration specialist will place each graft carefully into the scalp. Each graft is placed in a way that mimics your pattern of hair growth to allow for a natural result. Our goal is for you to look like you have a full head of hair, not a full head of hair transplants.

Return Home

Patients can return home on the same day as their hair restoration surgery.


While many patients can achieve their hair restoration goals with a single treatment, certain patients may require more than one session if they want to treat a larger area. Our Tampa hair restoration specialist will tell you what to expect during your consultation.

The Results of FUE

Woman brushing thick hair in the mirror and smiling

The First Few Weeks

The graft sites will scab over in the days after surgery. As the graft sites continue to heal, you will notice the transplanted hair begin to fall out. This is an important part of the process and is completely normal. This hair loss is only temporary, and the follicles will begin producing new hair on their own afterward.

The First Few Months

At this stage, you may look similar to how you did before your procedure. As your new hair grows, it may appear transparent and wispy. It may also grow in patchy because the hair growth cycle is different for every hair. The distribution of your hair will eventually even out.

6-18 Months

At about six months, many patients start to see cosmetic results. However, it can take 6-18 months to achieve full, healthy hair growth. Be patient, as the results are well worth it.

“Dr. Brown and Dr. Lombardi are expertly trained and board certified to provide the very best care possible.”



SynergyMD in Tampa, FL, is led by two of the most talented and skilled physicians in the entire state—Joseph M. Brown and Milan Lombardi. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive treatments for all things cosmetic and dermatologic in one convenient location. Our affiliations include:

  • American Board of Dermatology (ABD)
  • American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)
  • American Medical Association (AMA)
  • American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS)
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)
  • American College of Surgeons (ACS)

To request a consultation, fill out our online form or call us at (813) 328-5387.

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